HolisticDirect Focuses On:
Empowering Your Company to :
Increase Productivity & Profitability
Decrease Profit-Killing Staff Turnover & Presentee-ism
Increase Employee Morale & Recruiting Competitiveness
Empowering Your Team to :
Work with Greater Comfort & Less Stress
Experience a Greater Work-Home Balance
Achieve a Higher State of Health & Well Being
HolisticDirect Delivers:
Increase PROFITS
Reduce Stress of Managing the Business
Reduce Absenteeism & Presentee-ism
Reduce Health & Medical Costs
Produce Healthier, More Productive Employees
Reduce Risk & Liability (Less On-the-Job Opioid Use)
Increase Hiring Competitiveness & Decrease Turnover
Increase Employee Morale & Faith in Management
Treats The Pain of Lost Productivity
& the High Cost of Health Care”
Cost vs. Investment
“Investments to reduce presenteeism, because they are so rare, offer greater opportunities for getting ahead of the competition than investments in traditional areas such as training.”